- Cleaning the spare room.
- Dishes
- Organizing/cleaning out my craft supplies (hehe)
- Cleaning the porch off (altho it's really Clarks job)
- Putting clothes away
- Scrubbing the tub/shower/bathroom in general
- Being more organized
- Reading my book (going to as soon as I'm done w/this)
- Reading the Bible (I'm determined to read it cover to cover w/in this year. I've never read it before)
Organizing bills and papers.
So yea that's about it! Can we say procrastination?!?! Oh, not to mention I could be cooking dinner right now also. I did make a step towards cleaning the spare room though, I brought boxes home from work. Ha small step but none the less more then what I had yesterday right?! Oh, forgot one more thing, I should be working on Clark's afghan. Poor thing I started it in DECEMBER!!! It's my first real project and I made sure to buy all the yarn and supplies for it and now ooops I've gotten distracted by all the other pretty fibers I have just staring at me from the dining room. Well, I suppose I'm going to quit stlaling and go do something well productive (ew its so bleh even typing it!). Dishes? Clothes? Crochet? Knit? *Sigh* The life I live!
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