Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Adventure in Firsts

I know I should've done this Thursday after I got home but I was just too tired and I had gotten the 3rd book in the Twlight Saga so I was a little distracted. he...

So let's get to it...

Thursday- Totally went to my first Stitch 'N' B*tch meeting!!! (I'm trying very hard to not curse anymore so go ahead and laugh at my lack of an I haha I do) It was awesome! The girls I met were so sweet and funny! They held back the good stories claiming they couldn't tell me on my first time (they didn't wanna scare me away) so that makes me wanna go back even more! lol

I felt sooo stupid just pulling out this orange crap that I had been knitting with no real purpose to it to be honest and here they are with their beautiful creations just knitting away. Most without even looking, literally, I noticed with a twinge of jealousy. All of them seemed to have a great friendship and it wasnt' all about knitting. Funny funny ladies hehe. Can't wait to go back.

So leaving there I had planned to go the grocery store (like I had planned for the like 4 days before that) and thought neh I'll go to Wal*Mart and get my first set of DPN's (they assured me not to be so scared lol), some sock yarn, and Eclipse. So, I went & the new makeover they did on Rt. 60's craft/yarn section sucks! They took away most of the knitting/crochet stuff and ALL of the fabric/sewing stuff pretty much. grrrumble grrrumble. So I look and find some "it'll do" yarn and what do ya know...absolutely no double pointed needles! hmph... I was a little peeved to say the least. Anyway, I get my book and go home in a huff planning on making a trip to the Ohio Wal*Mart of AC Moore some other day.

Friday- After work I go to Dayla's house (co-worker) to show her and her daughter how to burn cd's and put music on her mp3 player as they got a new computer. Hung out there for a while chit chatting ya kno mostly about work lol Leave there and make my first AC Moore trip! squeeee!!! I think I parked honestly like a 10 minute walk away from the door b/c I was so excited to get in and see what they had (never been there before). I make a bee like to the yarn section, practically knocking over all the little fake flower ladies on my way, and there it is... beckoning... the most beautiful selection of yarn I've ever seen. (Ok I'm sure there are some of you thinking pfft I've seen waaay better, keep in mind I've never been anywhere but Wal*Mart for yarn really). I had to restrain myself from doing the I want one of everything thing. So I find a set of double pointed needles and 2 skeins of my favorite color Peaches N Creme yarn (Sage) and a free pattern. It took ALOT of self control not to go to the massive bargain bin for the 1lb. bag of yarn that was only $5.99 but I'm trying to reserve my cash flow for Lucasville flea market in hopes of a pot bellied pig. hehe. Leaving there I went to an awesome Christian book store past Target and the Shoe Dept. They had some awesome books that I wanted to get, again self control. I leave there and go home. Content with the new additions to my stash and eating a Twix bar that was amazing considering I had eaten since about 12 and it was by then 8 or so.
I come home and talk to Clark for a while and then off I go looking for a good sock pattern that uses only 4 dpn's and is REALLY super easy (for beginners). Finish reading Eclipse and then go to bed.
Today I have to go to the grocery store and clean! But the weather is so so lovely that all I want to do is just take my dog to the park and feed some squirrels. Perhaps after the store and cleaning? Hopefully I'll have the energy.
I think I've written a novel but I just had to share my story of the past few days. I don't get out much so all of this was really awesome to me. lol. Off to another adventure in grocery shopping!


  1. Hi! I'm so glad you came on Thursday! Trust me, our first knitting we brought wasn't anything grand either. Also, the first thing I brought wasn't even knitting lol. It was crochet.

    We definitely want to see you there again next Thursday!!


  2. I'm glad you came too. I didn't even know how to knit at my first meeting, so you are totally doing better than me. And I call the group by different names to avoid cussing in company where I shouldn't. Usually it is SnB or my Thursday knitting group.

