Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So I'm not that great at this blogging thing...

I have a tendency to kind of forget about it. Not that my life is all to exciting anyway...
I finally finished my first handspun!!! It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but I kinda like it. I'm in the midst of making a felted/fulled (however you wanna put it) coin purse/clutch w/the yarn. I'm super duper excited about how the whole project will turn out.
The roving before

and then after spinning...
The size isn't as consistent as I wanted but oh well... I'm doing much better on my second one that I'm doing now.
Baby updatea: Well there isn't one. As I'm sure you have guessed by now. If I was pregnant then I'm sure I would've told everyone on earth by now. I was so sure that this last time it was going to happen so that made it suck even more when I realized it hadn't. My dr. said today that he wants to do one more round of Clomid and then see where to go from there. I really really do not want to do another cycle of it. If it was going to work I honestly feel that it would've done it's job by now. But on the other hand I also don't want to go to the next step which will be either injections or IUI. I'm sure my insurance doesn't cover even a little bit of either and right now it's impossible to pay for anything more expensive. I'm still in the middle of trying to pay off my hospital bill for the surgery they had to do last year to see what was going on.
I just don't understand how some crack whore on the street can have like 3890 kids but I can't even have one?! I mean really? Agh..frustrated!!!
I'm glad I have spinning to calm me down though...

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